Why are Women SO Tired? Balancing Your Dosha for Energy

As multi-passionate women, feeling tired or exhausted has become a cultural norm, which is concerning! From decision fatigue to autoimmune conditions, tiredness can manifest in various ways.

But did you know that your unique Energetic Signature or dosha imbalance, based on the 5 Elements of Nature, can influence your energy levels and overall well-being?

Tired can feel like a(n):

  • afternoon slump

  • decision fatigue

  • burn out

  • tension headaches

  • lack of motivation to follow your dreams

  • Or a more serious autoimmune condition, in which tiredness is usually an early symptom.

What I've learned is that "tired" looks and feels different depending on your dosha imbalance.  In Ayurveda, there are 3 doshas, which I like to call your unique Energetic Signature, that are based on 5 elements in Nature (Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space) that influence your whole being- body, mind, and spirit.

Here’s an overview of each dosha imbalance and a practical suggestion to help you restore balance and feel like your energetic self again. 


The first dosha is the Energy of air, space, and ether (think cosmos), which is called Vata.  When we have too much air and space elements in our body and mind, we experience a tornado of thoughts that leave us feeling scattered, anxious, and prone to decision fatigue and insomnia.  When you go outside in a wind storm, you literally dry up, and that is how you feel in your body and mind- depleted, exhausted, no creativity, no joy with a vata imbalance.  Dried up!


The best practice for vata imbalance is to get grounded while breathing deep!  Spend 5 minutes putting your bare feet in the ground (grass, sand, dirt).  This is called Earthing and there are some remarkable studies on how this positively affects our well-being.  While you are earthing, breathe deep from your low belly, inhale through the nose, exhale out the nose or mouth.  This is a start to connecting with the downward pull of Earth Energy which balances the outward flow of Air Energy.

Earthing Walking meditation for vata imbalance

For Vata Imbalance, Earthing or Walking Meditations can help with a sense of groundedness and support.


Pitta is the energy of fire and water, digestion, and transformation.  When we have an excess of fire in our body and mind, we experience tiredness as burn out, impatience, and frustration toward others or ourselves.  My personal flavor of pitta imbalance is excessive perfectionism.  I love to get things done and cross it off my to-do list, however my mental habit of doing it “right” can get in the way of enjoying the process and being open to new ways of achieving goals.

How do you relate to this fieriness within yourself?

The best practice ideas for pitta imbalance is to move your body and mind outward in creative ways.  What do I mean by that?  Since pitta energy tends to move very forward to get things done in the most efficient way possible, my encouragement is to think and physically move more creatively to enjoy the process and not necessarily the exact end product.  Try dancing for fun or driving a new way home, not because its quicker but more scenic.

Dance for fun for balance pitta dosha

For Pitta Imbalance, have some fun! Dance! Play! Be in a state of JOY!


The Energetic qualities of Kapha dosha are rooted, grounded. and nurturing. These earth and water elements are associated with the Kapha dosha in Ayurveda.  This ancient, 5,000+ year old wisdom is a whole body healing system that integrally connects us to living WITH nature rather than only consuming it.  Think of how we are a piece of the whole: we are made of minerals and the microorganisms in our earth and we are mostly water.  When we neglect this crucial side of our being, we create an imbalance in our body and mind.

A kapha imbalance, or too much of these energetic qualities of earth and water elements may look like: Lethargy and sluggishness, weight creep, heaviness in the mind, and/or sleeping but still feel tired.

The best practice for kapha imbalance is to move your body in a forward motion like walking briskly to get the physical body moving which allows the emotions to move creating less stagnancy in the mind.

Walking briskly for kapha imbalance

For Kapha imbalance, a brisk walk in Nature (moving forward) is a great way to get unstuck- physically and mentally!

Which dosha imbalance feels like you right now?

Keep in mind since Nature is fluid and ever-changing, so are our Energetic qualities. We may feel certain imbalances at different times in the day, year, or seasons.

Interested in learning more about dosha imbalances and practices in Energy Healing and yoga that can help you increase your energy levels?

Check out my Tired to Inspired podcast episode HERE!


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